Skills Matrix

A skills matrix is a powerful framework to maximize employee productivity. This tool gives HR and managers a valuable and immediate way to visualize the assets they have on hand, and which skills are missing. Getting the most out of a skills matrix translates into training programs–or the right hires–that fill the gaps the matrix reveals. 

What Is a Skills Matrix?

A skills matrix is an analysis, in the form of a table, that details skill levels according to employee. 

A basic skills matrix lists the employee’s name, skill, and performance grade. It’s a simple way to keep track of the skills that your people have and at what level. This allows a company to understand which gaps need to be filled by hiring, and effectively plan L&D programs

What’s not so simple about skills matrices is that they require users to grade something that is often subjective. That’s why it’s vital for organizations to train managers in evaluation techniques that help avoid bias.  

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Why Is a Skills Matrix Important?

There was a time in many companies when “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” was a basic truth. Without modern evaluations, records, and analysis, there weren’t many ways for large organizations to really understand what their employees could do. Instead, people needed connections who would recommend them for roles. Employees who may have been more qualified, but less connected, did not always get the opportunity to prove themselves. 

Tools like a skills matrix have changed this reality. By using it properly, companies can better understand what skills they have under their roof. Instead of opportunities based solely on nepotism, employees get to shine based on what they bring to the table. Let’s take a look at why the skills matrix is a very valuable framework for all organizations to use.

Maintaining and Applying a Skills Inventory

Particularly in large companies, it’s almost impossible for HR to keep track of existing employee skills. Only a very attentive manager will remember the work experience and education of each worker. 

So, when a new project comes along, or a new strategy is implemented, HR often needs to scramble. These initiatives frequently mean that unfamiliar skills are required. A skills matrix acts as a record of in-house capabilities. If an existing employee already has what is needed, internal hiring can avoid the time and expense of outside recruitment.  

Identifying Areas of Weakness

A skills matrix is usually not a pass/fail measurement. Instead, employees receive a grade and much of the time, their skills are less than perfect. This indicates that they have basic knowledge of a skill, but could improve. L&D programs are then used to bring them up to par. This process becomes essential in many situations, for example:

In addition, for companies that implement continuous development programs, a skills matrix is a dependable method to figure out which course should come next.  

Conducting a Skills Gap Analysis

Identifying areas of weakness as described above, and applying a skills matrix, is something that is often done urgently because there is an immediate need for a trained employee. However, a skills matrix should ideally be a regular part of a company’s skills gap analysis

During a skills gap analysis, all the positions in a company are mapped; for each position, the relevant skills are listed, including both soft and hard skills. Any shortcomings represent missing skills that require upskilling, reskilling, or recruitment. The matrix is really an ideal tool to understand what skills already exist on your teams.

Implementing Career Management

Career management comes with a wide range of activities, including lateral mobility, informal roles, and secondment. To determine which employees are best suited for these opportunities, a matrix can be used to assess their skills for the planned move.  

Retention and Recognition

If your company has a talent development program, it is probably focused on boosting employees who have the skills, the energy, and the natural ability to excel. These people represent the future of your organization, and you need to hang on to them, which is one of the objectives of an employee development program in the first place. 

A key to this goal is learning and development. Talented employees who are given the training that they need to succeed are much more likely to stay with their organization. By using a skills matrix, companies can keep track of the courses that their best and brightest should receive to keep them, and the organization, as productive as possible. 

Employees who invest their time in such courses deserve to be recognized, as this is another measure that helps retention. Should HR engage in this tactic, they’ll need a record of the employees who have achieved greater levels of skill, which is something that is easily understood from a matrix.    

Outside Hiring

It’s always best to recruit internally. But a skills matrix can indicate when certain capabilities are totally missing from an organization. If these skills are shown to be vital, then HR can immediately start the outside recruitment process. 

The skills matrix is also beneficial for replacing employees who have left the company. This might be in the case of somebody quitting or taking a leave of absence. The skills matrix acts as a guide to show what skills counted the most in the role of the former worker. And, if the ex-employee was not proficient, a skills matrix can highlight their areas of weakness. HR can then make sure that the next person to fill that role has a stronger set of skills. 

Skills Matrix vs. Competency Matrix

Some businesses use these terms interchangeably, but they are not exactly identical. Whereas a skills matrix covers only skills, a competency matrix also includes factors such as knowledge and attitude, and so is more complex. In short, a competency matrix contains the information of a skills matrix and more. 

How to Create a Skills Matrix

We’ve broken down the basic steps involved in building a skills matrix. For the sake of reference, a lot of the work behind the first step is also part of a skills gap analysis:

1. Map positions and skills

Use the organizational chart to create a list of positions and then describe the skills that are linked to them. Make sure to include skills that are related to the position, but not formally required. For example, a marketing employee should have great communication skills, but are they also doing a good job in time management? Managers are often a useful source to identify these secondary skills.

2. Build the matrix

A typical skills matrix has between five and ten categories. It is a good idea to include some explanations that describe which factors influence each category, and how to evaluate them. For example, an employee’s communication skills might consist of written, spoken, and presentational abilities. A document accompanying the matrix should describe what excellent, average, and poor looks like for each skill. But keep these comments to a minimum to avoid confusion, and instead, discuss the finer points later on in a training session.

3. Train stakeholders in use of the matrix

Essentially, this means providing more explanation for the details listed above. Include examples, preferably from actual employees. Don’t forget to relate the measurements to seniority. A new worker with great leadership skills might not be as competent as a seasoned manager, but should still receive a high grade compared to their peers. 

Take Care to Minimize Bias

Avoiding bias is essential for a skills matrix to be accurate and useful. Of course, it is difficult to completely eliminate bias from a subjective evaluation, but the following tips can help:

  • Examine scores from various sources – direct managers, team managers, peers, and the employee (after self-examination)
  • Formally test the employee on a selection of vital skills
  • After an L&D course, ask the trainer, mentor, or coach to evaluate the employee
  • Use the same skills matrix for all employees in the same function

How Often Should a Skills Matrix Be Used?

This depends on various factors. For instance, if a company has recently undergone a significant change such as eliminating positions or hiring a lot of people, then the process should follow this change. Some companies also complete a skills matrix when forming new teams or adding technologies. At a very minimum, like a skills gap analysis, a skills matrix project should be carried out every two years.  

A Simple Skills Matrix Template

If you work for a small organization, a skills matrix spreadsheet that lists a relatively limited number of employees and skills might be sufficient. However, for companies with hundreds of employees, it’s advisable to use skills matrix software. 

The IT department can often create a template from scratch. This saves money, but your ability to easily expand or integrate it with other HR programs might be limited. Note that some skills matrix packages are available for free. But it is often worthwhile to invest a bit in order to ensure that the matrix can be combined with your HR systems. 

Here is a basic skills matrix template

Skills matrix template example

Essential Features of a Skills Matrix

Regardless of what kind of skills matrix you use, it’s important for it to have certain qualities:

A Numerical Grading System

This is a real challenge for some organizations, especially when it comes to soft skills, which are often judged subjectively. So, if you have yet to implement a quantitative assessment method for evaluating skills, now is the time. It allows different users to easily understand exactly how an employee performs in each skill category, and makes it simple to determine when someone needs improvement. To this end, it helps to work with a platform that enables effective skill measurement.    

Color Coding

It can get confusing when you are dealing with many employees and skills. Being able to quickly review a skills matrix for follow-up treatment will save time and make you more accurate. Color coding is an excellent method for attracting your eye to urgent skill gaps. Exactly which colors you use are a matter of choice, but it’s advisable to use a bold color like red to highlight important matrix cells. 

Drill-Down Functionality

The definition of a certain skill is important. For example, if you are testing an employee for “leadership skills”, then the matrix should have a space to provide information about what skill elements are part of leadership. This will allow other users of the template to understand exactly what is being assessed. It’s a similar story for how the skill was tested. At the same time, the vital data in the matrix should be easy to see. This is one of the reasons why professionally-designed skill matrix templates are often the best way to go. 

Simple Customization

At a very minimum, the skills matrix template must allow you to easily add and delete categories. This function should be available so that you can change all sheets at once, or just selected records. It’s also useful to have options for automated color coding.

Level of Reporting 

What is the average communication skill score in the marketing department? How many local employees are candidates for a leadership course? A high-quality skills matrix will permit you to create summary sheets that look at big-picture metrics, in addition to viewing the scores of individual employees. 

After Your Skills Matrix, it’s Time for Growthspace

The results of a skills matrix often reveal that employees aren’t as proficient as they could be. But where do you go from there? In a large organization, tracking the skill needs of each employee, and ensuring they get top-notch L&D to build those skills, is a tall order.

Growthspace addresses this exact challenge. The Growthspace platform matches highly defined L&D requirements with world-class experts in those specific skills. Today, thousands of companies around the globe rely on Growthspace’s technology to close their people’s skill gaps.

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